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Lego-style apartment transforms into infinite spaces

When Christian Schallert isn't cooking, dressing, sleeping or eating, his 24 square meter (258 square feet) apartment looks like an empty cube. To use a piece of furniture, he has to build it.

Located in Barcelona's hip Born district, the tiny apartment is a remodeled pigeon loft. Designed by architect Barbara Appolloni, Christian says the space was inspired by the space-saving furniture aboard boats, as well as the clean lines of a small Japanese home.

Christian Schallert, photographer: www.instagram.com/christianschallert
Spanish-version tour with architect Barbara Appolloni: http://faircompanies.com/videos/view/un-mini-apartamento-que-se-transforma-en-infinitos-espacios/
Architect Barbara Appolloni: http://www.barbaraappolloni.com/works_christianHouse.html
Original story here: http://faircompanies.com/videos/view/lego-style-apartment-transforms-into-infinite-spaces/

Опубликовала Эвелина * , 09.04.2014 в 09:08


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